Freely personalize an unfurnished apartment in Empire City

$ 1,040
Mai Chi Tho Street, Thu Thiem Ward, District 2, HCMC
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In the big city, an apartment has become more and more expensive – not only do you have to put down a big deposit, but you also have to pay a hefty monthly rent.

There’s nothing more frustrating than paying for something that you don’t even enjoy. Renting an apartment means that you’re stuck with it for a long time – even if it’s small or ugly, it’s still yours.

Say goodbye to all the hassles of renting an unfurnished apartment! Get FREELY PERSONALIZED BY YOU, a revolutionary new app that provides fully furnished apartments with all the necessary furniture and appliances.

Address: Mai Chi Tho Street, Thu Thiem Ward, District 2, HCMC
Property Id: 156496
Price: $ 1,040
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
District: 2
Code: EC156496
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